Energy Body Anatomy

Our Energetic System
We can all relate to times when we have felt something was off within ourselves. It could be a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual imbalance. Some examples include Unexplained or Over Reactive:


Cloudy Thinking
Negative Thought Patterns
Aches and Pains
Digestion Disturbances
Agressive Behaviour

For most of us, when we get in a 'funk' it can be a difficult emotion to balance out. It can also be confusing to ascertain exactly why we are feeling less than complete within ourselves. More than likely the symptoms are a manifestation of an imbalance within the energy body. The Energy Body includes the chakras, meridians, rays of light and human energy field (aura). 

When our Chakras are balanced and spinning properly, we feel balanced, calm, refreshed and whole. Reiki and other forms of Energy Healing  work on releasing blocks, restoring energy flow, repairing chakras and other aspects of the energy system, and balancing the system. 

A balanced Energy System leaves one feeling Happy, Healthy and In-Tune. In addition to Energy Therapy, there are other recommendations and practices that you can do to cleanse and balance your system. They can be found here.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that is translated into "Spinning Wheel of Light". Our chakras are energy centers that pull in Life-Force Energy. We have 7 Major Chakras.Each chakra has it's own individual purpose and relates to areas that are physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.

We have 7 major and 21 minor chakras in addition to hundreds that are even more minute yet just as important in their functions. Chakras draw in all forms of energies & frequencies, including Gama rays, sun rays, microwaves, color rays & emotional thought waves. Chakras are spinning vortexes that are made up of smaller vortices. 

When our chakras become imbalanced, blocked or slowed down it affects our Energy System. This in turn affects our well-being on various levels- including physical.

Each Chakra has it's own energy frequency. 
Energy frequencies have their own vibrations.
Each energy vibration has its own color. 
Each of the 7 Major Chakras has a corresponding color
From the bottom of spine up to crown of head:

7- Crown -Violet
6- Third Eye - Indigo
5- Throat - Sky Blue
4- Heart - Green ... Pink (4th level of Energy Field)
3- Solar Plexus -Yellow 
2- Sacral- Orange
1- Red - Root

Below is a chart with some generalized information related to the 7 major chakras.

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Meridians are channels through which subtle energy flows within the physical body. The meridian lines connect to our chakras. Meridians are treated in Acupuncture, Acupressure and Reflexology. Each meridian is associated with an organ or physical system of the body. Healing sessions release blocks and charge the Meridian system with Life Supporting Energy. 

Rays of Light: Rays of Light energy expand from our inner being out into our Aura/Energy field. They extend through all aspects of our being and support our outer "bubble" of protection. A strong and healthy energy field will have charged and expanded rays of lights supporting them. 

The Human Energy Field:

More info to be posted soon.